Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Crave Party

The Seattle Crave Party was held at the Shilshole Bay Beach Club and appears to be the business world's answer to "how can we make more money on GNO?"
Natharbi + 1 MiniMe attended to find out what it was all about.

The planners had a lot of sponsors, cool things going on, silly things going on, clothing and accessory vendors, dinner was served, fashion shows, a variety of spa treatments, henna tattoos and "read your face, palm, pet emotions, future" woo woo folks were there to tote their "international specialist" platform...come to think of it, it was like a carnival for women.

For this event Caroline took over my usual hat modeling job. She really dug some of the fashion and picked up a camouflage hat, though I think this hat really works for her.

The fashion shows covered new young hip, Pike/Pine type of apparel. The models were escorted in some cases by firemen from the WCSFF firefighters who posed for the firefighter calendar. They knew how to strut their stuff, and had a lively time with all the attractive women who were swooning during the photo sessions and calendar autographing. We skipped that part, MiniMe is too young for that frolicking, and I only crave a former volunteer firefighter with whom I like to be photographed.

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