Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fashion First

We had an uber fun evening on the red carpet at the Fashion First boutique fashion show. Fashion First was created to put Seattle's style and unique fashion perspective on the sense on the world fashion map and unite the fashion community while raising support for charitable causes. This year the focus was The Northwest Sarcoma Foundation. The list of boutiques is long, just click the link. What I love most about the photo of the model below is that it is in focus. They move fast to the music.
They had a last minute venue change but everything was beautiful, the VIP lounge had small bites and this sparking gold mart!n! that tasted just OK but looked like jewelry. Really truly it was sparkling gold and red. I should have taken a photo of just the drink.

Quite the smorgasborg of boutique wear was shown and texture abounded. One portion focused on casual men's wear which turned out to be the most entertaining portion of the night in terms of the celebrity models having a good time. Nathaniel Hollywood would have been asked but the style was just too casual for him. Here's Nathaniel striking a pose and looking super cool.

There were a number of great coats shown and Nathaniel was enthusiastic about the wrist warmers a number of the models were wearing. Part of the show was checking out all the other attendees who were fascinating. I saw a lot of shoes I wish I owned, as well as many of those trendy sack dresses I am glad I do not own.

Our favorite Girl About Town, Darnell was there with hubby Ray and she introduced us to Darcey of Life Styled. Darcey is a fashion afficionado after my own heart.

Natharbi is pretty sure this Jaguar wants us to take it home.
Nice kitty.


Anonymous said...

You've GOT to be shitting me. This blog is some sort of joke, right?

Barbi & Nathaniel Hollywood said...

Dear Anon,
You've GOT to be shitting me. Your comment is a joke, right?

We are SO serious about our blog tribute to Natharbi's narcissism and pursuit of entertainment that I sacrifice sleep for it.

Anonymous said...

RE: Previous "Anonymous" post.

Look, buddy, If you don't have the cajones to post your email address along with your inane criticism, don't post at all. I think Mr. Hollywood looks almost respectable in a tux. And he plays a mean game of pickle-ball. Not quite as good as me, but close. Regardless, save your teenage epithets for MySpace, Mr. Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that "fan" assumes that "anonymous" is a "Mr.", and that "Mr." should, if he could, have the "cajones" to quell the curiosity of "fan" & if speaking on behalf of Natharbi, those who consider themselves narcissistic; why would they care who "anonymous" is?

Barbi & Nathaniel Hollywood said...

Natharbi is amused, albeit at loss for the logical flow starting from commenters gender to whether Natharbi has any concern over the identity of "anonymous".

For the record, Natharbi does not care who anonymous is, though we do consider it chicken to be anonymous. It really doesn't matter as long as fans, as well as anonymous, are checking in on Natharbi.