Saturday, August 25, 2007

My Victrola

Here is a photo of me turning the crank on my new beloved RCA Victrola that Nathaniel got me for my birthday. It took me a little while to locate some antique records. After we attended LaMode was the first chance we had to christen the victrola under our new ownership.

Excited to hear the antique sounds we played:
1. A 1908 recording of Darling Nelly Gray, it didn't sound so great and turns out it was sort of opera-ish

Then an oldie but a goodie
2. Jingle Jangle Jingle by Kay Kyser and his Orchestra - the beginning sounded good but the middle of the record was kind of a mess

With the lights down low
3. Sentimental Journey by Hal McIntyre and his Orchestra

And the candles lit
4. Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller and his Orchestra

Nathaniel has asked, "Why the victrola? The sound quality isn't great, it's unique but would you listen often?" As often as I like, but the answer is in song number three. Listening to the Victrola is like a sentimental journey not just for me having owned one before, but also it gives vintage imagery of making merry in bygone eras.

In 1907 someone bought this Victrola, picked out music they enjoyed and went home to play it. Remember, this was before tv even before radio (I think) if you weren't singing or listening to someone playing an instrument, then there wasn't any music!

1920's A teenage flapper and her kiss stealing beau in the parlor listening to some jazz

1930's Christmas carols playing in the back ground celebrating Christmas and the end of prohibition Dec. 5, 1933

1940's A girl playing "their song" over and over waiting for her soldier to come home

There is just so much romance in the music coming out of this old wooden box.

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