Thursday, September 6, 2007

It's all down hill from here.

The last day of the Natharbi family bike ride for me was a lot of fun. I got to ride the bike on the easy parts and ride in the truck for the uphill. The group said the ride up this day was not as bad because it was not so steep. But I didn't feel any compulsion to try and prove my uphill riding.
The third day the ride was especially picturesque along the trail; forests and shade make for such great surroundings.

I did manage to get Willie to stop at one garage sale for me. He told me the rules were, "you can't buy anything that weighs more than you or that is too big to put in the truck." Deal, but alas there were no great deals at this particular sale.

The pinnacle of this trip was the view from Vista House. After numerous photo opportunities we had lunch and the 12 miles of downhill began. Tony shot out ahead like a rocket, at one point Natharbi questioned whether I had directed a wrong turn, but all was well…except for Nathaniel’s bike getting stuck in first gear. He pedaled like mad!

We celebrated the end of our journey with dinner, champpaagne, c!gars, good company and the best view on the planet - yes, I am repeating myself.

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