Monday, September 10, 2007

A Jammin' Football Party

Natharbi friends Barbie-girl Trish and Jammer Mel held a Monday night football party on the 10th. We were going to stop by and visit for a short time. Nathaniel had other business to attend to and I always have another blog waiting to be written but I was having such a good time I just decided to hang out and take and goof off for the evening.

Trish hadn't splurged the news with me that she is a Vintage Barbie woman, not just a little collector. She has a whole room dedicated to her Barbie collection. It's simply fabulous Dahling!

They had a great spread of food, a lovely home and two funny dogs. Friend Susan and her Mom attended, Troy. Jim, I believe was one of the guitar players and a handful of other friends. Sorry, I should have written down names!

I thought the music was so much fun, just sitting around drinking wine, and guys strumming guitars and playing music from memory. Sometimes a whole song, and sometimes just a verse.

Trish posted a bunch of great photos that I wasn't able to get back into this morning while blogging, but you could tell it was a fun time. After viewing the photos Nathaniel was even concerned I was having fun without him....really, it goes without saying I was missing him the whole time.

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