Friday, July 13, 2007

Paintdancing Encore with Friends & Family in Tow

Natharbi + 2 MiniMe and friends Briana and Dawn made an encore appearance at paintdancing held at the GasWorks Gallery this evening. It is too much fun to keep to ourselves.

As always Matt Jones was gracious host for the event. For the minimal price and the amount of fun you receive, paint dancing is a bargain. Don't forget to bring your dry staples and potatoes to donate to a grass roots community project founded by Fremont artist and entrepreneur, Matt Jones.
Pictures worth thousands:

Natharbi's peops line up painting...

Emily, Caroline, Briana & Dawn

Natharbi danced more than we painted this evening.

Briana and her tulips

Emily is more painter than dancer, and painting her foot has nothing to do with it.

Artistic Dawn striking a pose

Caroline is a dancer

Nathaniel lost in an artistic trance in the back

The one painting that I did was so specatular it came up missing, perhaps I will see it being sold for millions on e-bay.
So here we are post paintdancing, goofing off outstide the gallery... Ignore the blurry Barbi, look at the pipe, it's huge I couldn't get up on it by myself, Natharbi climbed through it after Nathaniel climbed up to be king of the hill.

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